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Mexican Black Bean Bowl


A “bowl-type meal” is really just a hipster version of a buffet. You set out the ingredients and everyone helps themselves to their favourite toppings. If you have a variety of dietary considerations, it’s a great way to serve a meal as people can omit ingredients they don’t like.  




Cooked Rice or Quinoa

Shredded Lepp’s lettuce

Bowl Options:

6 Lepp’s fresh sausages, preferably one with mild flavour

Black Beans

Frozen corn, thawed and drained

Diced Sweet Peppers

Sliced Jalapeno Peppers – raw. pickled or candied

Diced Tomatoes

Diced Avocado


Chopped Green Onion

Cilantro leaves

Your favorite salsa 

Lime wedges, for squeezing over everything

Southwest Drizzle Sauce:

½ cup mayo

½ cup sour cream to plain yogurt

1 Tbsp. Triple Smoke Texx-Mexx Seasoning 

1 Tbsp. lime juice

1 garlic clove, finely minced 

dash of salt and pepper, to taste

If you prefer a smoky sauce, mix all these ingredients and one or two chipotle chilis in a blender or food processor. A cheater drizzle sauce can also be made mixing equal parts of your favorite salsa with a combination of sour cream and mayo. 


Prepare Southwest Drizzle Sauce, set aside.

Cook rice or quinoa according to package instructions. 

Prepare fresh sausages with any of the methods mentioned here. Once cooked, slice into ¼ inch rounds. 

While that’s cooking, chop and prepare all topping options. Place in individual bowls or divided serving dishes.