
Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes, they wear Lepp Farm Market shirts and hats and cut meat, trim produce, cook soup or bag your groceries. July 19, 2021, has been named the first-ever Grocery Heroes Day. On behalf of our family, I am honoured to recognize our incredible Lepp Farm Market team for their commitment to our community and each other.  When we reflected on last spring, Friday, March 13, 2020 (yes, it proved to be a VERY unlucky day) is named as the day everything broke loose. Suddenly spring break vacations were cancelled and people started to panic shop. The following days were as busy as our Christmas season, a time we always spend weeks preparing for. But this came out of the blue and caught us completely by surprise.

For the next few months, our managers met daily to discuss how to keep our team and guests safe in light of ever-changing and often conflicting information. We spent many sleepless nights worrying about our team. Yet, while most people hunkered down at home, they put aside their fears, donned their hero aprons and hats and showed up without fail to serve you. They adapted and “pivoted” on a dime, many times over. Even knowing they could potentially be endangering themselves and their families at home by being exposed to so many people, they remained committed to being present for our community. There just aren’t enough words to say how incredibly proud we are of their bravery.  

We know you feel the same about our team, as many of you have expressed your thanks verbally to us. But we thought it fitting to create space for our community to show appreciation for them on this day. Feel free to drop off any kind notes or written words of encouragement for our team.

We’ll be posting your notes on a “wall of thanks” right by their lockers, so they can all see your expressions of appreciation. Additionally, our managers will be serving them lunch on Monday. 



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